As always, all general forum rules apply within the Seaport pride forum as well.
1. Respect above all else. While IC fighting, snark, and general tom-foolery is always acceptable, be sure to keep it in the RP. Like the rest of the site, Bramble pride as a zero tolerance policy when it comes to bullying and fighting among its members. If you are ever uncertain about an OOC interaction, do not hesitate to check in with your Pride Moderator or Global Moderator.
2. Keep in mind the rules and rituals of your pride when RPing. Characters acting against the acceptable behavior of the pride will be expected to follow appropriate IC responses to this behavior.
3. Any RP interactions between your character and a non-pride or pride-less cat should be approved ahead of time by the Pride Moderator.
4. RP interactions between two or more characters that result in significant change to one or more of the characters involved (gaining of a mate, becoming pregnant, suffering sever injury or death) should be approved by the Pride Moderator and agreed upon before hand by all characters involved. You may not RP using another player's character at any time without the consent and permission of the character's creator.
5. RP interactions that result in character leveling need to either take place or be documented in the appropriate task threat to be credited to your character. All characters must follow the posted leveling system to move up in rank.
6. Single play, multi-player Story RPs must be signed up for in advance. Please take note of when these RPs will be taking place, and sign up only if you will be available to participate. Month long, or over arching Story RPs do not require sign up.
7. Activities that earn Paw Points must be posted in their appropriate thread, and then linked to in the Paws Points thread.